1. What is my Intrinsic Motivation? Dig deep and explore what truly drives you internally. Ask yourself if your motivation comes from a desire for better health, increased energy, or a sense of accomplishment. Understanding these core motivations can help you establish lasting fitness goals.
  2. How Will Getting in Better Shape Improve My Life? Consider the broader impact of improved fitness on your daily life. Will it enhance your overall well-being, boost confidence, or provide more opportunities for activities you enjoy? Connecting your fitness goals to tangible life improvements can strengthen your commitment.
  3. What Activities Bring Me Joy? Reflect on the physical activities that genuinely bring you joy. Whether it's dancing, hiking, playing a sport, or practicing yoga, aligning your fitness routine with activities you love makes the journey more enjoyable and sustainable.
  4. What Does a Healthy Lifestyle Mean to Me? Define what a healthy lifestyle looks like in your eyes. It might involve balanced nutrition, regular exercise, sufficient sleep, or stress management. Clarifying your vision of a healthy lifestyle can guide your fitness choices and help set realistic and holistic goals.
  5. What Values Drive My Commitment? Consider the values that underpin your commitment to fitness. It could be discipline, resilience, self-care, or a desire for personal growth. Identifying these values provides a strong foundation for maintaining motivation during the ups and downs of your fitness journey.